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Experience Sharing

Sharon Shek 

She is my first piano student and she learnt with me for piano over 7 years. As my memory, she was a bit lazy to practice piano when she was young. I use different methods to guide and encourage Sharon to practice more cause it’s my believing that PRACTICE MAKE PERFECT. When she grows up, she became more and more initiative on her effort on piano learning and has great improvement during the progress. Her first Piaon exam - Grade 3 she passed with distinction. We were so happy and excited, we enjoyed a buffet for celebration! Trust, happiness and a prospective learning progress were built up from time to time, and I could say, we were grow up together. Sharon also share with me about her school life other than piano. Even though she decided go to UK for further studying after she passed her Grade 7 Piano Exam.  This is what I gave all of my greatest students from heart. I do wish her have a prospective life and future either on her studying and piano learning.


她是我第一位上門教琴的學生,亦是相處了最耐的一位,印象特別深刻。還記得在她初上堂時,學習有點懶惰,我亦比較嚴肅,所以大家都很少談天。當她漸漸長大,學習變得用心,第一次考試便考取鋼琴三級Distinction的優異成績,我跟她家人還一起去吃Buffet慶祝! 一直以來,石生石太都對我很好,Sharon亦會跟我笑談她學琴以外的事,直至她考獲鋼琴七級後,她決定要往英國讀書,遺憾是未能助她完成八級鋼琴。



She attended a children piano class before learning from me. Her dad thought her progress was not as well as their expectation and therefore, decided ask me to teach her piano. After learning just around 1 year, she already started preparing for Grade 2 Piano exam. I really hope she could have a delighted resultafter our great effort over this year.





He is a hardworking student. He always practice piano at home and play well on every lessons. I really appreciate on his hard-working mode and now he was preparing with Grade 2 Piano Exam in next year. I hope he could get the best results.





Anson starts learning piano when he was 3. He is a lovely little boy. I was afraid that he does not understand what music is at the intiaite stage. However, even he was only 3, he is really talentire with  piano sense and he could realize all theory, my notes and within a short period of time. Anson’s mother did recording his practicing at home. Thanks for Anson’s Mum for sharing such a video!


Anson 在3歲多開始跟我學琴,他是個很可愛的小朋友,起初還擔心他會否明白音符/拍子是什麼一回事,雖然年紀很少,但他很快就記得初級學的音跟拍子了!片中的他是在家中練琴拍的,多謝Anson媽媽提供片段 :)

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